Here you will find press releases and announcements issued by the association Arabisches Haus Nürnberg e.V. on certain occasions. Press releases published on the occasion of exhibitions and events can be found under Events.

PRESS REPORT 15.10.2014

The panel discussion of 10.10.2014 was well received in the local press, among others in the NÜRNBERGER NACHRICHTEN.

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PRESS REPORT 10.10.2014 

In October 2014, a high-ranking panel discussion took place in the Heilig-Geist-Hall in Nuremberg. The participants critically acknowledged the previous activities of the association and recommended new priorities. In all statements it was pointed out that an institution like the “Arab House” does not yet exist in Germany, but that especially against the background of the current developments in the Arab world such a cultural centre is highly necessary.

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The chairman of the association presented the project in the “Uni-Kurier” of the Driedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

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PRESS REPORT 29.10.2008

The first event of the association took place under the motto “Arabia – the cultural heritage lives” in the Villa Leon in Nuremberg. The ideas and plans immediately met with great public interest.

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