§ 1 Name and registered office of the association
The association bears the name Arabisches Haus Nürnberg e.V. (Arab House Nuremberg).
It has its registered office in Nuremberg. The association was founded on 24 May 2007 and is registered in the register of associations at the district court in Nuremberg under the number VR 200334.
§ 2 Purpose and tasks of the association
- The association serves to prepare the foundation and operation of a public museum for Arab culture in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg, in which visitors are given a broad picture of the Arab world in the past and present. This cultural and meeting place shall be called the “Arab House”. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes in line with the tax code.
- Purpose of the project is to promote international understanding beyond the borders of cultures and thus peaceful coexistence. It sees itself as an educational project and as a forum for intercultural contact and exchange. Political or religious efforts are excluded from the activities of the association.
- The association is wholly dedicated to charitable activities; it does not primarily pursue commercially viable purposes. Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive any contributions from the funds of the association. No person may be favoured by expenses which are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remunerations.
- The funds necessary to achieve the purpose of the association are primarily raised from contributions and donations.
§ 3 Business year
The fiscal year is the calendar year.
§ 4 Membership
The following can become members:
a) individual persons,
b) legal persons.
Membership is acquired by a declaration of membership, the acceptance of which is decided in writing by the Executive Board. The membership ends by resignation, cancellation or death. The membership can be canceled by decision of the board, if the member damages the reputation or the interests of the association, if he does not pay his membership fee beyond the financial year despite two requests, or for another important reason.
§ 5 Contributions
A membership fee must be paid. The amount and due date shall be determined by the general assembly.
§ 6 Organs of the Association
The organs of the association are
a) the Board of Directors
b) the Advisory Board
c) the General Assembly.
§ 7 Board of Directors
The board of directors of the association consists of
a) the 1st Chairman (President)
b) the 2nd Chairman (Vice President)
c) the treasurer
d) up to four assessors.
The board of directors in terms of § 26 BGB consists of the 1st chairman, the 2nd chairman and the treasurer. Each of them represents the association individually.
The board of directors is elected for three years by the general assembly; re-election is permitted. Members of the board of directors cannot be members of the advisory board at the same time.
The board members perform their duties as volunteers, allowances can be granted for expenses incurred.
The board of directors takes its decisions with a simple majority of votes. It has a quorum if at least three members of the board attend. In the event of a tie, the vote of the 1st chairman shall be decisive.
The board of directors acts independently in all association affairs, as far as these do not require the approval of the general assembly. It decides the main topics, special exhibitions and other events and is authorized to issue bylaws.
The board of directors is responsible for the administration and decision on the use of the association’s funds. The treasurer keeps records of income and expenditure. Payment orders require the signature of the treasurer and the agreement of the 1st chairman. This must be documented.
Information to the members takes place by circular letters.
§ 8 Cash management
The treasurer must keep a record of the cash transactions and prepare an annual statement. Payments may only be made by payment orders of the 1st chairman or – in his absence – of the 2nd chairman.
The annual statement of accounts is to be audited by two auditors, who are elected by the general assembly for a period of two years. It must be submitted to the general assembly for approval.
§ 9 Advisory Board
An advisory board advises and supports the board of directors in its work. Its members and a chairman of the advisory board are appointed for three years by decision of the board of directors. A re-appointment is possible.
§ 10 General Assembly
An ordinary general assembly shall be convened by the board of directors in the first quarter of the financial year if possible. The members are to be invited in writing at least four weeks in advance, announcing the agenda and the venue.
Proposals for further items on the agenda must be submitted in writing to the board of directors at least two weeks before the date of the assembly. They must be brought to the attention of the members present in writing.
The general assembly shall be chaired by the 1st chairman, in his absence by the 2nd chairman or another member of the board of directors. In elections, the chairmanship of the meeting can be transferred to an election committee for the duration of the ballot and the preceding discussion.
Each member is entitled to vote in the general assembly. Any properly convened general assembly shall have a quorum if at least one quarter of the members of the association is present. If there is no quorum, the first chairman is obliged to call a new general assembly with the same agenda within four weeks; this assembly is quorate regardless of the number of members present.
All resolutions are passed by a simple majority of the members present. Each member present has only one vote. Abstentions are not considered. A simple majority of votes decides, in the event of a tie the vote of the 1st chairman decides. A majority of three quarters of the votes cast is required to amend the statutes and to dissolve the association.
The type of voting is generally determined by the 1st chairman of the association as the chairman of the assembly. However, if requested by one fifth of the members, voting must be conducted by secret ballot.
The general assembly
– receives the activity report of the board of directors,
– receives the reports of the treasurer and the auditors,
– decides on the discharge of the board of directors,
– elects the members of the board of directors for a term of three years by secret ballot. On request and after approval by a simple majority of the members present, the election may be held openly,
– discusses the main topics, special exhibitions and other events,
– shall carry out the by-election of members of the board of directors in the event of the drop out of a member of the board of directors within the term of office, in accordance with the above rules,
– elects the two auditors,
– determines the membership fee,
– decides on pending applications.
The board of directors can convene an extraordinary general assembly or is obliged to do so if one third of the members request it in writing, stating reasons and purpose. In this case, the members are to be invited in writing two weeks before the date, announcing the agenda and the venue.
§ 11 Recording of resolutions
Minutes shall be kept of all meetings and negotiations of the association and shall be signed by the 1st chairman (in his absence by the 2nd chairman) and by another member of the board of directors.
At general assemblies the minutes shall include: place and time of the meeting, the number of members present, the person chairing the meeting, the agenda, the resolutions, the voting results and the type of voting.
§ 12 Dissolution of the Association
The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a general assembly convened especially for this purpose. If the association is dissolved or if tax-privileged purposes cease to apply, the assets of the association shall be transferred to the City of Nuremberg with the proviso that they be used directly and exclusively in accordance with these Statutes.
§ 13 Place of jurisdiction and entry into force of these statutes
Place of fulfilment and jurisdiction is Nuremberg. These statutes shall come into force immediately after their official registration in accordance with the resolution of the inaugural meeting on 24 May 2007, the following meeting on 2 August 2007, the extraordinary general assembly on 21 January 2008 and with the changes determined in the general assembly on 19 March 2016.
Nuremberg, 19 March 2016